
The Post Adoption Counselling Ofsted Dance of Misdirection

  A Statutory Instrument 2005 underlining the 2013 Adoption Statutory Guidance fore-worded by Ed Timpson MP., places NO legal prohibitions on adults Adoptees seeking for instance private therapy for trauma inside Adoption. NONE at all . "Counselling" ( not  therapy ) as core duties, are only mentioned in prescribed forms. Read the Statutes! .. One mention of therapeutic services for Adoptive children in another 2005 government document is the only time  the Statutes veer from using counselling as a term and that is because some very disturbed children who are adopted, need specialized services .  Ofsted have created an interpretative problem in their online Guidance about post adoption counselling and that is because counselling in its core duties is indeed statutorily prescribed as a number of tasks and needs to be "inspected" once counsellors and other Adoption support staff set up as "Agencies" Therapy though  is never mentioned in Stat...

July 2021 Adoptee Revocation Survey UK Report

  From 18th May 2021 up until the date of writing this report on the 16th July 2021,  two of us as UK adult adoptees designed and ran a survey for UK Adult Adoptees. By July it had accrued 95 adult adoptee respondents from areas of Facebook groups. Only UK Adult Adoptees "adopted in the UK" were permitted to do the survey  What we wanted to test was whether or not UK Adult Adoptees wanted to revoke their adoptions if that was legally eased in the UK. 51 % said they wanted revocation. We tested other matters too like experience for adult adoptees of needing therapy and whether they had been child abused inside adoption...We did this because some UK adoptees had told us they were pained by adoption though there were others who had "good" Adoptions...     The figures below are shocking for us to see and speak for themselves . 42 % of the respondents stated they were child abused inside Adoption experience. These shock figures have never before been generated or eve...

The Misery Of Adoption With No Adult Annulment Process Worldwide

10th Sept 2020  . There are many pained adoptees all across Facebook and some "birth mothers" who feel lost without children they gave up or were pressured to give up . What is clear is the pain revolves and revolves  in various adoptee groups and no solutions come easily from the States in parts of the US or elsewhere in the World of adoption where  kids that grow up cannot as Adults even revoke (Annul) abusive adoptions  they experienced. .... This identity-falsifying institution Of Adoption remains perversly sacrosanct . No one knows why ..... Is it the 11th Commandment ?  "Thou Shalt Remain Adopted!" .. This paperwork invention clearly works for some Adoptees but not for others at all .. Some are subject to emotional abuses and narcissistic adopters and sexual abuses after being adopted .. They cannot exactly take cases for a lack of duty of care can they as kids they have already lost the supreme security of birth family ..? They might have been able to leg...

Adult Adoption Annulment - LGBTQ U.S. People Who Adopted Each Other Cannot Marry Each Other

    The Right To Be Oneself ? 8th Sept 2020 In a learned document - a Florida Law Review (Keefe) Adult Adoptee Annulment does not become possible for LGBTQ folk who have resorted  to adoption (for relationship security, estate and will reasons)  prior to same sex marriage laws brought into the US at 2015 . Why  this problem? Because  US judges are resistant to annul adoptions ,   but also resistant at the same time to allow marriages to occur for those  LGBTQ "adoptees" who adopted each other,   since the law would mean they are permitting incest!  Read The Review... From the "Introduction".. : "unless homosexual partners are able to dissolve their adoptive relationship, they will be prohibited from exercising their constitutional right to marry because of state prohibitions on marriage between parents and their children. " Adoption  you see  is used to create a "parent and child relationship" in law and that is why some Stat...

Adoptee Sexual Abuses - Dying While Alive Revealed

Decoding The Sexual Abuses 8th September 2020    This picture I just had to draw as an Adoptee-Artist - I had to face it .. And,  the awful feelings too right across all my life. Why?  WITNESS that is why. True witness for a child lost long ago because of Adoption to an infertile couple .    In the end my Adoptive father's infertility became my sexual destruction His wife abused me sexually and finally that killed off senses that I could trust any other "body".   Not even my own ... The Death-life I lived was strange and fully endowed with nothingness .. Erect as Iron ..Made of nothing and no feelings.....Occasionally spurting out a bit of leftover life ....That was me . That was my adoptive dad ! That became me too !  That became many men I knew too in the working classes of Birmingham of factory/iron workers with dead looks for life ..They were not adopted though - so I was more like super-iron .. Super dead-alive..Super unfeeling.. The ir...

Adult Adoptee Adoption Annulment Global Human Rights

Adult Adoptee Identity Rights Issues 7th Sept 2020    It's so overdue in an age of Identity Rights with the brave forward guard of Trans-people, quite rightly identifying with their internal world gender of their owned Self-idea of who they are,  for some Adult Adoptees not to be allowed to throw off the artificial identity given to them by the State or others through Adoption Court Orders..... Many Adult Adoptees feel falsely transitioned into an identity NOT THEIRS TOO .. They need to feel themselves and have it reflected in law properly.  However there is no Adult Adoption Annulment mechanism in laws in the UK or US and only barely in Australia for Adult Adoptees to rescind their status of "Adopted" to that of "Not Adopted"  or "birth identity re-assumed"  or some other suitable  "Adoption discharged"  label.  Why are these Adoption laws so unmodernised and still stuck believing law can dominate by paperwork people's Self-identity?  ...