Adult Adoptee Adoption Annulment Global Human Rights

Adult Adoptee Identity Rights Issues
7th Sept 2020 

It's so overdue in an age of Identity Rights with the brave forward guard of Trans-people, quite rightly identifying with their internal world gender of their owned Self-idea of who they are,  for some Adult Adoptees not to be allowed to throw off the artificial identity given to them by the State or others through Adoption Court Orders..... Many Adult Adoptees feel falsely transitioned into an identity NOT THEIRS TOO ..

They need to feel themselves and have it reflected in law properly. 

However there is no Adult Adoption Annulment mechanism in laws in the UK or US and only barely in Australia for Adult Adoptees to rescind their status of "Adopted" to that of "Not Adopted"  or "birth identity re-assumed"  or some other suitable  "Adoption discharged"  label. 

Why are these Adoption laws so unmodernised and still stuck believing law can dominate by paperwork people's Self-identity?   In the case of Adopted people, self identity is also incontrovertibly attached to a biological genetic origins. That in itself is powerful DNA evidence beyond dispute - yet paperwork falsifying that,  wins every day ....

Some Adoptees KNOW their bio-identity. Why ? They FEEL it and some are Adopted as older Adoptees too and KNOW it by experience ..  

There are no relief clauses in Adoption Acts which allow adults to Annul their Adoption and de-certificate their lives away from that often painful description if that is their wish as adults.

Adoptees in  paperwork are described as  children of adopters forever, and even as adults cannot undo that paper-work binding state ....That is mystifying .

For those people who might yawn :  "Ahhh poor them"  think on this ... Consider adoptees who not only have lost their birthright connections,  but those who are then abused and mistreated inside Adoption by people:  "not theirs" .... 

Non adopted people could easily say " Well abuses happens in families with non adopted children"  .. That is true ..

But why should Adoptees live with the doubled abandonments of their loss of birth identity by paperwork declaration,  and then the loss of decent lives with perverse adopters who have falsified their identity too as a mistreated Adoptee

Would non-adopted people like that extra tortured existential state too ? On top of any abuses they were injured by?   No of course not ..   

It simply cannot stand can it ?  In an age of Human Rights Laws,  which in this case need adjustments for Adult Adoptees ....   It is  an insult too great . Non adopted people are not "changed" into another identity by court paperwork and social forces quite the same way as Adoptees are. 

Any abuses in childhood are painful for all concerned,  but being yourself as you feel and having that feeling of original Self identity atttacked too is a supreme abuse beyond words but not desperate experience..  

See Also Kaye Pearse's Article On Adoption Annulment 


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