Adoptee Anon 2022 Global Survey Stops At 320 - Curator Report

The survey is now closed at 320 because the trends are not altering and the growing numbers do not make it’s voices somehow louder. Those trends have remained constant. Three are shown below and they are serious matters that the over-promotional world of “ Adoption is so wonderful” needs to see and hear too.
Notably that hearing, must be done in cultures that dream-on that Adoption is a good alternative form of child care. The survey is not showing that by ratio of pain to gain .. It’s showing abuses and damages. It’s showing kids (now adults) were at high risk of damages INSIDE Adoption.
It’s showing Adoption looks like a form: “Socialised Neuroses by Design” too. It emerges more in Adult life. It’s no wonder the survey was picking up sizeable trends towards “self destruction” in some Adoptees too .. More of that will be seen in future report-backs by free PDF’s given , after the comment boxes are assigned numbers of comments, and screened for accidental identifiers which will be erased.
To emphasise : There are so many comments on so many issues that quite a few summaries will have to be done and shown in separate report-backs .. They will be made available in PDF’s probably on Dropbox — which is the likely candidate for ease of download for all by link. The hope is they will spur on further work and genuine activism to make matters better
More work will need to be done in the future though for Adoptees unmet needs, damages, and remedies. Far more .. Perhaps this is a part ass-kicking moment in history because who will do it ? Who ? Who is brave enough? Universities or Governments? Just who ? That’s the big question.. In fact it’s so loud a question for Adoptees, but it tends to go back into concealments and corners where Adoptees are all too socially banished.
Why the banishment ? Don’t show the social pain reality ? Carry on as usual? Keep making kids into fictitious identity for others it pays ? Dislocate them from their cultures for “white social inclusion” liberalism or right wing values of some kind ? Done without aiding birth mothers in poverty or distresses fully ? Let them marinate in it for life then ? Really?
“Come on get off your asses and start showing enumerated damages for the sake of remedying/resolving this area of human dislocation and pain” ..That’s the under-voice of the unrecognised Adoptee culture online .
What you have out there is massive “primal wounding” and the survey is showing it writ large in a large amount of unheard socially silenced primal screaming .. Pain that needs remedy….. Hearing, seeing, and measuring it, is where it all starts. Anyone got a better way inside the gagging world we have ?
These below are absolutely sad trends in the survey and these are just a few :

There are other more complicated questions too and once again pain of dislocations to be seen that Adoption causes. These will generate their own report-backs in amongst the bulk numbers of other Adoptees . The comment boxes will qualify what people have said more.. They are a “chest of light opened” but it is a light that is painful even to see. It will take time to generate report-backs on them.
One note of clarification on the “completion rate” shown as the tool generated by In this survey it meant only that most could not complete the “citizen-ship” questions because some questions did not apply to all folk . There was some “skipping” too where people felt they must or a question was not relevant to them . Like-wise many Adoptees were not Transracial (TRA) Adoptees. TRA’s though, answered their own questions and did so strongly.. Other Adoptees could not answer their questions so that affected the so called : “completion rate”
The Transracial Adoptees will have their own extra report-back in their own voices as given BY THEM.. …. Finally the strengths of this survey are there to be seen in questions answered by nearly all , but the weaknesses too show themselves (bigger team needed) and in so far as this is a PILOT that can be learned from for the next 2023 survey ..
Now who-ever might do that next survey ? Good question .. Will it be University types ? Govt? Agencies? Can they be trusted ?
Adoptees for Adoptees DO need to create survey’s every year and on more areas of concerns. That’s the learning way forwards. Show the world in figures and numbers what YOUR voices are really like ..Start as activists to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX … This is Adoptee democracy writing ..

The survey is now closed at 320 because the trends are not altering and the growing numbers do not make it’s voices somehow louder. Those trends have remained constant. Three are shown below and they are serious matters that the over-promotional world of “ Adoption is so wonderful” needs to see and hear too.
Notably that hearing, must be done in cultures that dream-on that Adoption is a good alternative form of child care. The survey is not showing that by ratio of pain to gain .. It’s showing abuses and damages. It’s showing kids (now adults) were at high risk of damages INSIDE Adoption.
It’s showing Adoption looks like a form: “Socialised Neuroses by Design” too. It emerges more in Adult life. It’s no wonder the survey was picking up sizeable trends towards “self destruction” in some Adoptees too .. More of that will be seen in future report-backs by free PDF’s given , after the comment boxes are assigned numbers of comments, and screened for accidental identifiers which will be erased.
To emphasise : There are so many comments on so many issues that quite a few summaries will have to be done and shown in separate report-backs .. They will be made available in PDF’s probably on Dropbox — which is the likely candidate for ease of download for all by link. The hope is they will spur on further work and genuine activism to make matters better
More work will need to be done in the future though for Adoptees unmet needs, damages, and remedies. Far more .. Perhaps this is a part ass-kicking moment in history because who will do it ? Who ? Who is brave enough? Universities or Governments? Just who ? That’s the big question.. In fact it’s so loud a question for Adoptees, but it tends to go back into concealments and corners where Adoptees are all too socially banished.
Why the banishment ? Don’t show the social pain reality ? Carry on as usual? Keep making kids into fictitious identity for others it pays ? Dislocate them from their cultures for “white social inclusion” liberalism or right wing values of some kind ? Done without aiding birth mothers in poverty or distresses fully ? Let them marinate in it for life then ? Really?
“Come on get off your asses and start showing enumerated damages for the sake of remedying/resolving this area of human dislocation and pain” ..That’s the under-voice of the unrecognised Adoptee culture online .
What you have out there is massive “primal wounding” and the survey is showing it writ large in a large amount of unheard socially silenced primal screaming .. Pain that needs remedy….. Hearing, seeing, and measuring it, is where it all starts. Anyone got a better way inside the gagging world we have ?
These below are absolutely sad trends in the survey and these are just a few :

There are other more complicated questions too and once again pain of dislocations to be seen that Adoption causes. These will generate their own report-backs in amongst the bulk numbers of other Adoptees . The comment boxes will qualify what people have said more.. They are a “chest of light opened” but it is a light that is painful even to see. It will take time to generate report-backs on them.
One note of clarification on the “completion rate” shown as the tool generated by In this survey it meant only that most could not complete the “citizen-ship” questions because some questions did not apply to all folk . There was some “skipping” too where people felt they must or a question was not relevant to them . Like-wise many Adoptees were not Transracial (TRA) Adoptees. TRA’s though, answered their own questions and did so strongly.. Other Adoptees could not answer their questions so that affected the so called : “completion rate”
The Transracial Adoptees will have their own extra report-back in their own voices as given BY THEM.. …. Finally the strengths of this survey are there to be seen in questions answered by nearly all , but the weaknesses too show themselves (bigger team needed) and in so far as this is a PILOT that can be learned from for the next 2023 survey ..
Now who-ever might do that next survey ? Good question .. Will it be University types ? Govt? Agencies? Can they be trusted ?
Adoptees for Adoptees DO need to create survey’s every year and on more areas of concerns. That’s the learning way forwards. Show the world in figures and numbers what YOUR voices are really like ..Start as activists to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX … This is Adoptee democracy writing ..

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