
Showing posts with the label Paul Brian Tovey Adoptee

Adoptee Anon 2022 Global Survey Stops At 320 - Curator Report

The survey is now closed at 320 because the trends are not altering and the growing numbers do not make it’s voices somehow louder. Those trends have remained constant. Three are shown below and they are serious matters that the over-promotional world of “ Adoption is so wonderful” needs to see and hear too. Notably that hearing, must be done in cultures that dream-on that Adoption is a good alternative form of child care. The survey is not showing that by ratio of pain to gain .. It’s showing abuses and damages. It’s showing kids (now adults) were at high risk of damages INSIDE Adoption. It’s showing Adoption looks like a form: “Socialised Neuroses by Design” too. It emerges more in Adult life. It’s no wonder the survey was picking up sizeable trends towards “self destruction” in some Adoptees too .. More of that will be seen in future report-backs by free PDF’s given , after the comment boxes are assigned numbers of comments, and screened for accidental identifiers whi...

The Post Adoption Counselling Ofsted Dance of Misdirection

  A Statutory Instrument 2005 underlining the 2013 Adoption Statutory Guidance fore-worded by Ed Timpson MP., places NO legal prohibitions on adults Adoptees seeking for instance private therapy for trauma inside Adoption. NONE at all . "Counselling" ( not  therapy ) as core duties, are only mentioned in prescribed forms. Read the Statutes! .. One mention of therapeutic services for Adoptive children in another 2005 government document is the only time  the Statutes veer from using counselling as a term and that is because some very disturbed children who are adopted, need specialized services .  Ofsted have created an interpretative problem in their online Guidance about post adoption counselling and that is because counselling in its core duties is indeed statutorily prescribed as a number of tasks and needs to be "inspected" once counsellors and other Adoption support staff set up as "Agencies" Therapy though  is never mentioned in Stat...