
Showing posts with the label Adoptee UK

The First Summary Reportback Of The Global Anonymous Adoptee Survey 2022


Adoptee Anon 2022 Global Survey Stops At 320 - Curator Report

The survey is now closed at 320 because the trends are not altering and the growing numbers do not make it’s voices somehow louder. Those trends have remained constant. Three are shown below and they are serious matters that the over-promotional world of “ Adoption is so wonderful” needs to see and hear too. Notably that hearing, must be done in cultures that dream-on that Adoption is a good alternative form of child care. The survey is not showing that by ratio of pain to gain .. It’s showing abuses and damages. It’s showing kids (now adults) were at high risk of damages INSIDE Adoption. It’s showing Adoption looks like a form: “Socialised Neuroses by Design” too. It emerges more in Adult life. It’s no wonder the survey was picking up sizeable trends towards “self destruction” in some Adoptees too .. More of that will be seen in future report-backs by free PDF’s given , after the comment boxes are assigned numbers of comments, and screened for accidental identifiers whi

July 2021 Adoptee Revocation Survey UK Report

  From 18th May 2021 up until the date of writing this report on the 16th July 2021,  two of us as UK adult adoptees designed and ran a survey for UK Adult Adoptees. By July it had accrued 95 adult adoptee respondents from areas of Facebook groups. Only UK Adult Adoptees "adopted in the UK" were permitted to do the survey  What we wanted to test was whether or not UK Adult Adoptees wanted to revoke their adoptions if that was legally eased in the UK. 51 % said they wanted revocation. We tested other matters too like experience for adult adoptees of needing therapy and whether they had been child abused inside adoption...We did this because some UK adoptees had told us they were pained by adoption though there were others who had "good" Adoptions...     The figures below are shocking for us to see and speak for themselves . 42 % of the respondents stated they were child abused inside Adoption experience. These shock figures have never before been generated or even se