The Global Anonymous Adoptee Survey Goes Past 300

The Global Anon Adoptee 2022 Survey is currently at 310 (27 days) has been a “bottom-up” , “Citizen-Survey”, done by adult Adoptees for adult Adoptees. It’s been aided across internet groups. It seems a larger : “We the adoptee people” theme is speaking… Democracy sometimes trumps habits of social repression. There’s plenty of versions of social repression of Adoptees voices of pain from what many have said on many groups. The groups that have aided the survey include Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, and assorted others like Blogger and The survey work is now entering a longer concentrated report-back stage. That is complicated by the sheer volume of comments made which are filled in after the bar chart quantifiers in the survey and those need to be checked for containing any accidental identifiers. Any made by accident will be filtered out. The survey pressed everyone explicitly on many comment box questions not to put any identifiers. The survey is anony...