Adult Adoption Annulment - LGBTQ U.S. People Who Adopted Each Other Cannot Marry Each Other



The Right To Be Oneself ? 8th Sept 2020

In a learned document - a Florida Law Review (Keefe)

Adult Adoptee Annulment does not become possible for LGBTQ folk who have resorted  to adoption (for relationship security, estate and will reasons)  prior to same sex marriage laws brought into the US at 2015 .

Why  this problem?

Because  US judges are resistant to annul adoptions,  but also resistant at the same time to allow marriages to occur for those  LGBTQ "adoptees" who adopted each other,   since the law would mean they are permitting incest!  Read The Review... From the "Introduction".. :

"unless homosexual partners are able to dissolve their adoptive relationship, they will be prohibited from exercising their constitutional right to marry because of state prohibitions on marriage between parents and their children. "

Adoption  you see  is used to create a "parent and child relationship" in law and that is why some States and judges are/have been  resistant .. 

Of course the truth is  PEOPLE NEED TO LIVE AS THEIR INNER IDENTITY DICTATES .. Yet Laws right across the globe are creating human rights problems and Adults cannot annul adoptions apparently for any reasons to get on with their lives as see and feel fit ..

In the case of Adult Adoptees who are children when adopted and are mistreated or abused only to wake up out of the "Adoptee Fog" years later - they too cannot Annul their adoptions because the paperwork re-identification of them is somehow treated as falsely sacrosanct. They are incontrovertibly by genes and DNA someone else and many feel it .. That's the point .. THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE ! 

Adult adoptees have no right to Annul Adoptions anywhere despite needing to quash a paperwork identity that may cause them a memory of enduring pain .. The law and legal social forces are holding people back from feeling they need to be free to be "their" own identity and selves ..


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