
Showing posts from September, 2022

The First Summary Reportback Of The Global Anonymous Adoptee Survey 2022


Adoptee Anon 2022 Global Survey Stops At 320 - Curator Report

The survey is now closed at 320 because the trends are not altering and the growing numbers do not make it’s voices somehow louder. Those trends have remained constant. Three are shown below and they are serious matters that the over-promotional world of “ Adoption is so wonderful” needs to see and hear too. Notably that hearing, must be done in cultures that dream-on that Adoption is a good alternative form of child care. The survey is not showing that by ratio of pain to gain .. It’s showing abuses and damages. It’s showing kids (now adults) were at high risk of damages INSIDE Adoption. It’s showing Adoption looks like a form: “Socialised Neuroses by Design” too. It emerges more in Adult life. It’s no wonder the survey was picking up sizeable trends towards “self destruction” in some Adoptees too .. More of that will be seen in future report-backs by free PDF’s given , after the comment boxes are assigned numbers of comments, and screened for accidental identifiers whi...

The Global Anonymous Adoptee Survey Goes Past 300

  The Global Anon Adoptee 2022 Survey is currently at 310 (27 days) has been a “bottom-up” , “Citizen-Survey”, done by adult Adoptees for adult Adoptees. It’s been aided across internet groups. It seems a larger : “We the adoptee people” theme is speaking… Democracy sometimes trumps habits of social repression. There’s plenty of versions of social repression of Adoptees voices of pain from what many have said on many groups. The groups that have aided the survey include Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, and assorted others like Blogger and The survey work is now entering a longer concentrated report-back stage. That is complicated by the sheer volume of comments made which are filled in after the bar chart quantifiers in the survey and those need to be checked for containing any accidental identifiers. Any made by accident will be filtered out. The survey pressed everyone explicitly on many comment box questions not to put any identifiers. The survey is anony...

The Global Anonymous, Adoptee Survey 2022 Passes 200

  The Global Anonymous, Adoptee Survey 2022 (link here)  passed 200 by Sunday UK time on 4th September. Each day it puts on more numbers and currently it stands at 209 at the time of writing .. The survey has multiple aims and many are about empowerment.  A key one is to enable a greater capacity by Adoptees on Twitter and Facebook, Tik Tok and in other parts of the web to realise they all have to start measuring by stats-capture their own voices of experience. How so ? Why should they do that ?  Are their voices not enough in those places ? Well, the answer seems to be , yes and no ... Yes, for discussions and sharing fellowship, but the limits of the web becomes seen when some Adoptees wanting social changes are mostly reactive back in a web-cornered way to the problems of Adoption, they are often either suffering from, and not realizing that by more pro-active efforts ; changes to systems are possible. Changes in fact that could help them or future Adoptees....