
Showing posts from October, 2022

Adoption: A Neurosis By Design?

  Extract From Support Not Separation Website Against Forced Adoptions Oct 5th 2022 The UK is now a growing anti-family-anti-stability nation it seems? Out of 3500 Adoptions 90% were estimated to be “Forced Adoptions” (non consensual ones) . However let’s look at how these UK State approved ways create a socially approved : “Neurosis by design” This is not a party political matter since both big UK Parties are involved. They have been, since 2000, with Tony Blair’s Labour Prime Ministers plan to create bonuses for local authorities to increase Adoptions .. After all, his dad was Adopted, and successful in life , so it must be the case Adoption rescues everyone else , surely ? Selves split off from family selves, whether that means from each other or from oneself “internally” (A self split-off from itself too) will set up many unmet needs and identity problems in most Adoptees and birth family. However it seems, some Adoptees become politicians like Tory UK Michael Gove M....